Everyone knows what Unreal Engine is capable of. Graphics of A.V.A would never let you down.
From gunfire to footsteps and radio chat, A.V.A shows more than just an online FPS.
Radio chatting’s (Z key: Normal voice chat. X key: Private voice Chat, C Key: Command voice chat) quality is unbelievably high( EU-English NRF-Russian), the voice tone changes depending on your remaining HP and the situation you are in.
You can select 3 types of infantry when you start a game.
Point Man: Fast, effective at close quarter combat and uses SMG (Sub Machine Guns)
-Capturing strategic points in the early games and hitting enemy from the back is their specialty.
Rifle Man: Heavily armed, they are defendable, throws grenade fast and far. Uses Rifles
-Pushing the enemy back in the mid-game is their specialty
Sniper: Long ranged shooter, excel at handling pistols.
-Supporting Ally from the back and guarding the strategic points is their specialty.
Remodeling System
Remodeling System divides the guns in six parts;
Front, Mount, Barrel, Stock, Grip and Trigger.
Famas – F1(No Rail) -> RIS(Rail Integration System) fix -> Famas – G2 ->
Front (X)
Mount (Dote Sight: Increased range, lower mobility)
Barrel (Burst Barrel: Faster firing rate, lower safety)
Stock (Heavy Stock: Lower recoil, lower mobility)
Grip (X)
Trigger (Veteran Trigger: Higher Accuracy, lower safety)
Now, your Famas – G2 has faster firing rate and longer range than other player’s Famas, but if you abuse it like firing none-stop, the cross-hair would be widen up really fast, plus now the gun’s heavy.
Rail Integration System
Few weapons are not capable of adding accessories. You can use RIS to fix your gun and put on rails on top of your weapon.
Uniform System
Not only gun is customizable, even your uniform can be changed.
Headgear (Counter Assault Helmet: Effective against small rounds, but weak against sniper rifles)
Jacket (Counter Sniper Round Bullet Proof Jacket: Effective against sniper rifles)
First Pack (Grenade Slot +1: You can now have one more grenade with you in the battle)
Second Pack (Main Weapon’s Magazine +2: You can now have two more magazines
Third Pack (Expanded Radar +20%: You can now see 20% further in your head up radar.
Skill System
Point man, Rifle man and Sniper have their own special ability that you can learn throughout the game. The skills are specialized for each job. There are 3 skills for each type of infantry.
Point man (Running Mastery: made of 3 levels, each level increases your running speed)
Rifle man (Grenade Mastery: made of 3 levels, one increases the speed of throwing grenade, one increase the range that you can throw the grenade, the last one increases the range of rolling the grenade.) *Right clicking the mouse makes your character to roll the grenade, dropping the grenade not so far.
Sniper (Pistol Mastery: made of 2 levels, one increase the magazine you can have for the pistol and the other increases the speed of pulling out the pistol.
*There are two more skills for each job. I have explained only one for each.
Commander System
Commanders can set a primary target to a certain strategic point, which would lead the teammates and also scout areas for the team. Commander has a binocular which would help him. If you see an enemy in sight while using the binocular, you use the left mouse button to scout the enemy, then it would show the location, distance and the job to your teammates for 5 seconds.
Red Rectangle around the character means he’s Rifle man, Red Triangle is Point man, Diamond means Sniper.

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